110 W96th St Suite 1D, New York, NY 10025 (Tuesdays & Fridays) - Call: (347) 631 8350
Virtual Therapy throughout New York and In Person Therapy on the Upper West Side, NYC & New Jersey.

110 W96th St Suite 2B, New York, NY 10025 (Tuesdays & Fridays)
Call: (347) 631 8350 Virtual and In Person Therapy in NY & NJ

scrabble word dating
10 Pieces of Dating Advice After My 8 Years As A Therapist That Specializes In Dating & Relationships

10 Pieces of Dating Advice from a NYC Therapist

putting money in a piggybank
My Money Trauma And My Healing Journey

NYC Asian American Therapist shares her money trauma and how she healed.

guy finds girl cheating with another guy
NYC Dating and Relationship Therapist Answers : Why Do People Cheat?

Why People Cheat, NYC Dating and Relationship Therapist Answers

broken paper hearts to represent breakup
The Courage to Love Again After A Bad Breakup or Divorce

Thoughts and Tips on How to Love Again After A Bad Breakup

women stretching while sitting in the beach sand
Grounding and Resourcing Exercise for Anxiety or Feeling Dysregulated In The Body

Grounding and Resourcing Exercises for Relaxation and Anxiety.

How To Deal With Dating App Burnout

Tips on how to deal with dating app burnout and alternatives.

Couple avoiding each other
How To Heal From Avoidant Attachment In Dating and Relationships

TIps on how to heal and deal with avoidant attachment style in dating and relationships.

dog feeling happy reading book with glasses
How To Deal With Feeling "Not Good Enough"

NYC Asian American Therapist Talks About How To Deal With Feeling "Not Good Enough"

no power in the dark with cat.
Asian American
How To Deal With Shame In "Asian" American, The Asian Part Of Your Identity

NYC Asian American Therapist talks about self hate, shame in Asian part.

Therapist selfie in co-working space
NYC Asian American Therapist Reflects: One of the BIGGEST mistakes I've made in private practice business

Reflections of NYC Asian American Therapist of mistakes she has made in private practice over the years.

People having therapy
Asian American
Asian American Therapist Reviews Minor Feelings By Cathy Park Hong

Asian American Therapist Reviews Minor Feelings By Cathy Park Hong

girl anxious and having her head down
How To Heal From Anxious Attachment In Dating and Relationships

Tips for people who have anxious attachment in dating.

single girl with tea and presents
How To Deal With The Holiday Blues If You Are Sad and Lonely As Fuck.

Tips to fight holiday blues

women daydreaming with man in the back
How Scarcity Mindset Shows Up in Dating And How Abundance Mindset Can Help You

I talk about how scarcity mindset shows up in dating and why abundance mindset is sexy. I compare dating to eating dim sum and also talk about why Ji A from Singles Inferno is so attractive to men.

hand reaching out to hold another hand
Fun Dating Challenge: Finding your Imago Exercise

Fun dating challenge, making your imago exercise. 10-15 minutes

Asian Women Going To Therapy
Asian American
Asian American Therapist Shanni Answers: Does Western Therapy Work on Eastern Minds?

Asian American therapist Shanni answers On episode 10 of the Netflix Show Beef, Danny said “Western therapy doesn't work on Eastern minds.” Is that true?

women looking out on the window happy
Guest Blog Post: The Therapeutic Window

Very special guest post by Richard G. Lanzara, MPH, PHD. Follow him on LinkedIn to learn more about his receptor research.

women swimming with a clock underwater
When You Feel the Biological Clock Tick, How Do You Find a Partner?

There is a lot of pressure to get married, to have children, and to create the white picket fence life. You begin to feel like your dating pool is shrinking, and as you age, you may start to feel like you’ll be single forever. Society definitely doesn’t help on the anxiety front.

women Hand on her face, looking stressed
4 Tips to Avoid Attracting Narcissist-Like People

If you’re here and reading this, odds are you have found yourself in a relationship with a narcissistic person. If you’ve found yourself in multiple relationships with a narcissist, you’re probably wondering why you keep attracting this type of person. The truth is, there have likely been warning signs along the way that you missed.

black and asian women holding signs about racism
Asian American
What Is Culturally Responsible Therapy & What Does It Look Like?

More and more people are opening up about their struggles with mental health. Society has begun to place a much higher priority on mental health and establishing a healthy balance.

Holding signs up on racism
Asian American
4 Ways to Quell Anxiety About Racial Profiling

Anxiety has become the most common mental health disorder, appearing in various forms. Understandably, for people of color, systemic racism, microaggression, and overt racism can fuel anxiety.

Therapy with Shanni

Offering Virtual Therapy Throughout New York and In Person Therapy on the Upper West Side, NYC & NJ.

110 W96th St Suite 1D, New York, NY 10025 (Tuesdays & Fridays)
Call: (347) 631 8350
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